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Data integration and analysis are what set Level 3 apart from our other solutions and the solution that really takes physician scheduling to the next level. Curabitur volutpat felis metus, id pellentesque eros auctor ac. Duis vestibulum fermentum ipsum sit amet tincidunt. Integer consectetur sed lectus ac sodales. Nullam vehicula dignissim quam, eget aliquet nulla ultricies id. Donec consequat quis ex eget sollicitudin. Fusce neque sem, tincidunt vel dolor eget.

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We’ll let our stats do the talking.

Wondering if an external scheduling team can optimize your
department’s productivity?

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How it Works.

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Data-Driven Improvements

We collect over 30 different points of data to better understand the department’s overall performance and patient flow trends

For example, Brantford General Hospital’s Emergency Department made the following changes based on our analysis of their physician scheduling data and subsequent recommendations:

  • Started 2 shifts an hour earlier in the day

  • Gave every shift some time in the high acuity zone and the low acuity zone

  • Added in an hour of transition time between zones to allow physicians to finish up with patients in their first zone before moving on

These MetricAid-led recommendations had the following effects;

  • Made the entire group more productive

  • Lowered the average wait time to see the doctor by 36 minutes

  • Lowered the average total time in department for discharged patients by 49 minutes

MetricAid’s Scheduling Team

We know what you’re thinking. How can MetricAid handle physician scheduling from the outside? Here’s how it works:

  1. Our first step is to get a full understanding of your department’s scheduling needs. We do this based on the physician preferences entered by your physicians in the MetricAid Scheduling Tool, the scheduling parameters defined by your department and the individual physician contracts, as well as patient demands

  2. With this information, we build a schedule 2 months in advance and present it to the person-in-charge of physician scheduling in your department

  3. The person-in-charge of physician scheduling reviews the schedule and relays change requests to MetricAid

  4. In addition, physicians also trade shifts autonomously using the MetricAid Scheduling Tool based on their individual preferences 

  5. The physician schedule is finalized 

  6. Over time as data is collected related to your department, we provide consulting and recommendations to help reduce wait times, increase efficiencies, etc 

Our team is led by experienced physicians, former hospital administrators, and expert schedulers who have significant experience managing physician scheduling and developing scheduling best practices for over 90 clients 

Physician Scheduling Management Tool

The Scheduling Tool is a powerful tool built for physicians and schedulers by physicians and former hospital administrators that uses proven, secure technology. The tool takes the preference data provided by users and guides our schedulers who then build the schedule. Our schedulers get to know the nuances of the people and the department and can work with your staff and chief to better understand where there’s flexibility.

Features for Physicians

  • Incorporates physician schedule preferences to provide greater autonomy over schedule

  • Our cloud-based tool equals one source of truth meaning physicians can view and update their schedule in real-time on any device e.g. phone, tablet, computer

  • Calendar sync to personal online calendars e.g iCal, Outlook, Google, and more

  • Shift reporting to display distribution and equitability easily

Features for Schedulers

  • Our cloud-based tool means one source of truth meaning schedulers can view and update the schedule in real-time on any device e.g. phone, tablet, computer

  • Incorporates physician preferences to assist with schedule-generation and editing

  • Implement parameters specific to the respective department and the physicians’ contracts

  • Shift reporting to display distribution and equitability easily



Administrative Efforts

Increased hospital revenue • Maximize physician billings • Optimize physician schedule coverage • Better physician recruitment • Reduced scheduling administrative burden

Patient Care

Lowered readmission rates • Reduced wait times • Increased physician availability from existing resources • Patient satisfaction • Better treatment

Physician Health & Wellness

Fewer shift trades • Better physician retention • Improved physician well-being • Reduced physician burnout


Trusted by over 100 hospitals in Canada, USA and the United Kingdom.

Dr. Oscar Karbi, Chief of Emergency Medicine
William Osler Health System

MetricAid has been delivering performance and preference based schedules for BCH ED for nearly 2 years, so I knew they would be able to help with the Peel Urgent Care strategic planning and month-to-month scheduling. They predicted hourly patient volumes months before we opened our doors, and made staffing recommendations that have helped us keep our average wait times under an hour. Their ability to predict flow and leverage physician practice metrics to lower wait times, while at the same time delivering lifestyle-scheduling for the physicians is a vital tool for Peel UCC.


Why MetricAid?

Teaser copy for ‘Why MetricAid’. Morbi porttitor mi a euismod maximus. Etiam vitae felis dui. Aenean gravida mattis posuere. Quisque vel metus scelerisque, vestibulum purus eget, suscipit arcu. Sed fermentum sapien eget maximus pretium.

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